Milk Tea 5 Ways


Milk Tea is Enjoyed by People all Over the World, with some Very Strange and Delightful  Variations

Bubble Tea (Taiwan)

Also called “Pearl Milk Tea” or Boba Milk Tea”, Bubble Tea has hundreds of variations. Most have a tea base to which fruit or milk and chewy tapioca balls are added, but some other versions omit the  tea. The blend is shaken, creating a frothy mix and served cold. The pastel colors of the fruit flavorings and colored tapioca balls makes an enchanting treat.1799571516_96e7867a21_b

Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea

Nicknamed “Silk Stocking Milk Tea”, this milk tea is usually made from black tea leaves filtered with a sackcloth bag and then combined with condensed or evaporated milk. The tea is sometimes boiled several times to intensify the flavor. Quality is judged by the smoothness and froth of the tea.

Teh Tarik (Singapore & Malaysia)

A hot milk tea commonly served in Malaysia and Singapore. The name comes from the pouring process used during preparation. The blend of black tea and condensed or evaporated milk is poured back and forth repeatedly between two vessels from a height, producing a frothy top and plenty of entertainment for onlookers. Brewers even showcase their skills in competitions, where they drag a long stream of tea above the heads of patrons.


Suutei Tsai (Mongolia)

A traditional Mongolian Milk Tea, made with water, milk, black or green tea and salt. Suutei Tsai is one of the most common drinks in Mongolia, but many westerners dislike the salty taste.14714895396_0ffaa0dede_b

British-Style Tea

In the British Isles, tea is customarily served with milk, but the heated debate over milk-first or milk-after has not yet been settled.



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