Kick Anxiety to the Curb with a Cup of Tea


anxiety imageHave you ever noticed that the more anxious you are, the less you get done? Whether it’s exams, a stressful boss or wedding jitters, anxiety can create havoc in the best of us. Psychologists call it the flight/fight mode. Our body gets ready for action, expending the stress hormone cortisol and nothing seems to get done.

Thankfully, there’s a remedy for anxiety: a cup of soothing tea! Almost every cup of tea has the magic relaxing ingredient called theanine. Scientists have discovered this amazing chemical seems to act directly on cortisol. The end result: a more relaxed, productive you.

If you’re looking for a caffeine-free alternative, try chamomile. Although there isn’t any theanine in this plant, both the scent and tisane are natural stress soothers. Now, let’s have a cuppa to celebrate!

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