Tea A-Z Featuring “E”


Tea terminology can be mind-bogglingly complex, too. Which is why we have Tea A-Z, a guide to deciphering both common and completely bewildering concepts from the world of tea. Let’s dive in!


Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey: A traditional tea blend that combines black tea with the aromatic oil of the bergamont.

Earthy: A term used to describe a certain, earthy flavor of some teas. This is usually the result of the soil and other growing conditions in a particular tea-growing region, which is not necessarily undesirable, or the result of improper storage in a damp place.

Elevation: A geographical location above or below a fixed point, usually sea level. In the world of tea, plants grown at varying elevation create different flavor profiles.

English Breakfast Tea

English Breakfast Tea: A very popular tea blend usually featuring teas originating in Assam, Ceylon and Kenya. Often prepared with milk and sugar

Estate: A tea-growing property or holding that may include more than one garden under the same management or ownership. In the past, tea estates where known as plantations.

Even: A tea whose leaves are uniform in size and appearance.



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