Tea Enhances Agility in Aging Adults


A study of 14,000 aging adults concludes that tea drinkers retain greater independence and agility than non tea drinkers. The Japanese research paper concludes that “green tea consumption is significantly associated with a lower risk of incident functional disability.”

A team led by researcher Yasutake Tomata of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Sendai tracked the activities of 13,998 adults aged 65 or older for three years. Researchers speculate antioxidants in green tea contribute to a lower incidence of frailty and disability as adults grow older. Those who drank the most tea received the greatest benefit and those who drank at least three cups a day were much less likely to become functionally disabled.

Tomata and his colleagues were not able to determine the direct link to the chemicals in tea and noted that many tea drinkers consume more fish, vegetables and fruit and they had lower rates of smoking, fewer heart attacks and strokes as well as a more well-rounded social life. Discounting these factors the tea drinkers still did better than their non tea-drinking peers.

Source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


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