11 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Insides & Outsides
Spring is a time for new beginnings. And after the winter we’ve had in the Northeast, it’s more than welcome. It’s time to clean up! Granted, us tea-lovers get a head start, because tea is like a cleaning service for your internal organs, but there is always more you can do.
- Use it up & out: Feng Shui experts always say that to experience a more uplifting self, you should use up one item before buying another. Do you have older boxes of tea? Start spring with fresh tea, and repurpose that older tea to cook or clean with it. Get creative!
- Start with the closet: Many organizing professionals say the closet
is the perfect place to start your clean-athon. When you de-clutter and donate old clothes, not only will you be organizing but you’ll be doing a bit of good in the process. Straighten those shelves: Go through your bookshelf, replace frames with recent photos. Donate books you’ve read and don’t want, and put the books you haven’t read (and been meaning to) in the forefront or in a special section- then you can always grab a ‘new’ book on the go.
- Detox, detox, detox: Just by drinking most teas, you’re doing your body right. Try something with some added benefits. How about a detox blend specially formatted to get the bad stuff out. Look for other blends that can help with digestive heath, like peppermint, or chamomile for stress relief.
- Retrain your brain: Your body can plateau and get used to the same exercises. If you are taking a walk, try a new path up a hill, by a stream, or a way you haven’t walked before. Try a class you’ve always wanted to- even if it isn’t for you or your schedule doesn’t allow it weekly/daily, at least you’ll have the experience. And try one new tea by Memorial Day- and tell us what you tried.
- Change it up: Changing small design details can have a big impact on any room and your whole day! Look for
a good deal on some new throw pillows or a piece of art. Liven up your living space and your whole day.
- Catch that cash: Being in debt is a drag. Set yourself free by cutting off one vice this spring. Paying too much for cable? Buying lunch at the café daily? Pack a lunch once in a while and turn off the telly. Experience the outdoors or try a inventive DIY project from TheDailyTea.com.
- Ode to the floor: Old black tea teabags can be used to wipe down counters, tables and floors. Tannins in the tea break down the grease and dirt. Brew them up, let cool, dampen a rag with the tea and start shinin’.
- Take a tea break: You deserve it! Set aside some time every day where you don’t do anything important. Set aside 15 minutes a day where you can enjoy a book, relax on the patio, or catch up on the phone with a friend. You’ll find it much easier to get things accomplished once you’ve taken some time for you! Sounds like a great time for tea to us…
- Go au natural: It’s true what they say. Vinegar really does clean up grandly with no harsh chemicals. To unblock a stuck drain, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, follow with a cup of white vinegar. Watch it bubble, and then add 3 cups of superhot water.
- Fresh air: Prepare several small sachets of black tea and herbal tea leaves, especially teas such as lavender, lemongrass or lime which smell clean and fragrant. Place these sachets in corners of musty closets, the front seat of the car, or anyplace you’d like the air to have a fresher scent.
Now, don’t you feel better?
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