Ward Off Holiday Weight Gain with—You Heard It—Tea!


Fruity TartAh the holiday season: friends, family and lots of food! This year don’t fret about weight gain, just drink tea. Yes, you heard it here; simply drinking 3 cups of black tea a day can help keep a trim waist line.
There have always been rumors that tea could prevent the pounds from rising, but was it the flavonoids or the caffeine?

To test out which was the real fat fighter, 111 regular tea drinkers were studied for a 6-month period. Half the group was given the placebo, a flavonoid-free caffeinated beverage while the other half drank black tea.

The only difference between the two beverages was the flavonoids. The tea group lost an average of 1.5 lbs. and decreased their waistlines just over half an inch. The results say it all:  it’s the flavonoids and not the caffeine that fights off the fat.

So, indulge a little this festive season, just remember to end each meal with a cup of tea.

Ward of Holiday Weight Gain

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